Kentucky Online Casinos

The view that authorities hold on online gambling in Kentucky is far from being favorable to the matter. To put it simply, there is not even a slight chance that we would witness the start of any online casino Kentucky-based invasion in the foreseeable future. We need to remember that there is no casino gambling in Kentucky, this being one of the few US states that hasn’t got any land-based establishments of this kind.

flagBest Kentucky Online Casino Sites

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Kentucky Gambling Laws

Wagering history started long ago in a Newport, Kentucky, casino of sorts. This town is famous for its illegal betting activities. Up until the start of the 20th century, this was the hub of organized crime. Things have changed ever since, and by the 1980s, these activities remained nothing but a distant memory.

Given the state’s history, however, there’s no surprise that lawmakers seem reluctant in licensing casinos in Kentucky. The Kentucky gambling laws had to be severe to reestablish authority, and they remained on the same note even in more modern times. For example, the state lottery became active in 1989, while the adherence of Kentucky lottery slot games to USA interstate games such as Powerball and Multi Millions occurred in the late 2000s.
However, if there is something to substitute the missing KY casinos locations, those are the world-famous race tracks this state is proud of.

Kentucky Online Gambling

The whole betting market of the state revolves around renowned horse racing. Therefore, for fear it might hurt this business, there is no way to place bets other than horse races. And by that logic, Kentucky online casinos aren’t going to be legalized soon. The authorities have been publicly and openly against this kind of business.
However, the online gambling Kentucky market is not entirely closed, seeing how Kentucky sports betting is available as we speak. Of course that it’s directly related to the horse racing industry, players being allowed to place bets on specific authorized sites.
Surely, though these aren’t the only possibilities to join Kentucky gambling casinos for real money. This being an unregulated field, it’s legal for residents to play all the games available on off-shore-based websites, which are open to US citizens. We only advise caution because there are many scammers out there. Perhaps, to make sure the website is 100% legit and secure, check out the selection of verified and reviewed virtual casinos that is available. Also, we reviewed many websites and can recommend Bovada casino. Bovada is legal in Kentucky and is a well-known online casino among US gamblers.

Bovada Casino Review
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Offline Gambling Options

Horse Racing

The Kentucky casinos list being next to none, the whole betting industry of the state is centered on horse racing. In other words, most decisions are taken to aid these businesses in growing and prosper. For example, the gambling age in Kentucky is 18 for horse racing. Also, the only legal Kentucky sports betting out there are those regarding horse racing.
Some considerations regarding the most populous race tracks:

  • The largest and most renowned track is the Churchill Downs, where the famous Derby is annually held.
  • Considering the impact of the important race known as Keeneland, which takes place in Lexington, Kentucky, casinos wanting to start a business in this area would surely make a nice profit. Also, it’s understandable why locals, authorities, and anybody with a keen sense of history wouldn’t openhearted agree to such a venture.
  • With another track in the same city, at Red Mile, a casino KY-based, which would want to open up shop here, might find little to no understanding.
  • The same goes for the eventual opening of a Franklin Kentucky casino, which might rival the Kentucky Downs races.


Coming after a long battle against illegal betting operators, the KY residents have been left with very few options for earning extra based on their luck. Until 1989, the population voted in an alarmingly high percentage in favor of opening a state lottery. To initial offer meant Kentucky lottery scratch-off games. Later on, Kentucky’s lottery joined the interstate Powerball and Multi-Million.

Future Endeavours

Lawmakers have set as top priority protecting the horse racing business. They also need to look at the competitors. A KY resident and taking can easily access a riverboat casino in Kentucky’s neighboring states, from the numerous cruising up and down the Ohio River.
With these in mind, without going to the extreme of licensing casinos in KY, at first, they might allow slot machines at Kentucky Derby’s venue, perhaps turning it into the first KY Downs casino. The Churchill Downs from Louisville, home of the state’s famous derby, already owns a couple of casinos near Kentucky that offer horse racing, the so-called “racinos”.
The Churchill Downs has also invested a fair amount of money in expanding their website, simply stating that they are awaiting the legalization of Internet wagering. They just want to be ready to start once that happens. But perhaps this is also a sort of push from one of the strongest businesses in the state towards the lawmakers, hoping it will bring them out of their apathy.

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❓ Is gambling legal in Kentucky?

In its broader meaning, it is legal. However, casino gambling in Kentucky doesn’t exist, seeing how neither online nor land-based venues are licensed. The main option is represented by race track betting and the lottery.

❓ Are there any casinos in Kentucky?

This state hasn’t allowed any Kentucky casinos within its borders. Gambling in Kentucky is focused on horse racing, this being at the core of the offer for this kind of service. Also, there probably won’t be any new casino in Kentucky any time soon, for the same reason of protecting the racing business.

❓ Any chance for a Franklin KY casino to open soon?

Franklin KY casinos are a dream at this point, seeing how the local authorities reckon that such a venue might affect the classical race track’s incomes. This is a generally accepted point of view on regards the opening of Kentucky casinos statewide.

❓ Are there any Kentucky online casinos to legally play in?

There are no online casinos Kentucky-based, nor is there any hope of such virtual establishments to be given rights soon. There is the option of betting online, using accredited websites on horse races in this state. The only other alternative is playing in safe and licensed websites, based outside the state’s limits, as are the ones in the list of recommended casinos at the beginning of the article.

❓ What is Kentucky gambling age?

The gambling age in Kentucky is of 18 years old if it’s on horse racing. Although KY casinos don’t exist, the minimum age required for a state resident to gamble in such venues is 21.

❓ Is there any predicted change for legalizing online betting?

The rules that govern gambling in Kentucky are some of the strictest in the US. As long as the race tracks won’t press the matter in a sustained way, there is a low probability of seeing at least one Kentucky casino, not to mention the prospect of entering into the Internet era. The only alternative remains, for now, the use of websites that are not based within state limits.